Make a Donation

Click on the Donate button and this will take you to paypal where you make a donation with your own paypal account or by credit card.  You may also send a donation to the Belle Plaine Historical Society by sending a check to:

Belle Plaine Area Museum
901 12th Street,
Belle Plaine, Iowa  52208

Thank you for your support of the Belle Plaine Area Museum. 

Your generous contribution will allow the Belle Plaine Historical Society to continue to preserve the rich history of Belle Plaine and the surrounding area.  From the days of the pioneers to the modern day upgrade of main street,  the museum will showcase the artifacts , photographs and stories of the people and events that make Belle Plaine so unique.

The Belle Plaine Area Museum is a non profit organization and your contribution is tax deductible.  Please consider making an annual contribution to the Belle Plaine Area Museum or remember us when organizing your estate planning.

Thank you!


The Belle Plaine Historical Board

Mitch Malcolm- President
Joe Leonard – Vice President
Rich Franklin – Secretary
Berta Jacobi – Treasurer
Deb Drahos
Dan Drahos
Darrin Upah
Dean Carl
Don Villers
Darin Riherd